Studio Portrait Reprints / Enlargement

REPRINTS (One working day)

(1 to 5 working days)


Pricing for each photograph:
Wallet size
      $0.50 each, 6 and over
      $0.75 each, below 6
4x6........$1.00 5x7........$3.00
We can reprint to any color choice
(Color, Weird, Grainy, B&W, Sepia, Blue, Red...)

8x10 9.85 16x24 35.85
8x12 12.85 20x24 55.85
11x14 17.85 20x30 69.85
11x16 22.85 24x30 97.85
12x18 24.85 30x40 165.85
16x20 31.85 40x52 245.85

Additional copies of the same print are 20% OFF

Minimum order is $5.00
for each file order number,
$10.00 if taken over 1 year ago. 50% extra charge for RUSH SERVICE.
20% extra charge per print
for cropping, dodging, and burning.
If you reorder copies without the original print you will have to pay $1.50 extra
for the color & density testing of each proof;
copies will be charged at regular prices.

Images are available to be saved on CD:
$5 service fee plus $5 each photo
or $5 service fee plus $4 each(6 or more photos). CD purchase is non-refundable